
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Don't settle for less

Journeying into the writing industry can be very rewarding especially if done right from start to finish. In this volatile environment, putting out good content reign king. Before starting your next talking point, do your research about the topic at hand. Brainstorm any ideas that maybe related to the storyline. Engage your characters. Take the readers back to a moment in their lives to reflect on while reading the plot. Remember, a good book is all about delivery. Once you choose your genre, make it fun, relatable and make belief. The next step is to protect and have control over your intellectual property. So it doesn't land in the wrong hands. Your job is to capture the audiences with an intriguing title and cover without opening the book yet. Don't be complacent. Go out there sell your story. Don't worry about how many books is gonna sell. A product well display will sell itself. Email us:

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