Dare to dream
Friday, May 22, 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Monday, November 20, 2017
Remember why you writes
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Be mindful of aggressive tactics
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Dare to dream: Don't settle for less
Don't settle for less
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Get the most out of your money
Don't be fooled by the gimmicks
Friday, November 3, 2017
Brian First publishing/Press release
Friday, November 3, 2017 Brian First Publishing Announces Release of New Children’s Book Share Article Brian First Publishing announces the release of the new children’s book, “Runaway bird,” written by Gregy Alexander. NEW YORK, NY (PRWEB) MARCH 06, 2017 Brian’s First Publishing is proud to announce the release of a new children’s story by acclaimed entrepreneur and storyteller Gregy Alexander. The release of this book has been eagerly anticipated, and it hits the shelves today. “Runaway bird” is a tale for children everywhere who love to read and let their imaginations roam. Brian’s First Publishing is proud to announce the release of a new children’s story by acclaimed entrepreneur and storyteller Gregy Alexander. The release of this book has been eagerly anticipated, and it hits the shelves today. “Runaway bird” is a tale for children everywhere who love to read and let their imaginations roam. This is Alexander’s second book, an exciting next step for an author who recently published, “The husband who never loved.” That novel explored the boundaries of the romance genre, as it also offered readers a titillating thriller to enjoy alongside the dramatic tension of the romance. It told the fictional story of Laurie Knowles, a woman who discovers her husband is betraying her by falling for her friend. Laurie must attempt to recover from this act of infidelity, and readers follow her story closely, watching how it develops. The author, Gregy Alexander, is both a writer and an entrepreneur, as he releases his second book through Brian First Publishing, which was created by Alexander in 2014. Alexander feels comfortable writing in multiple genres, as he has created works in poetry, romance, and tales for children. His writing often delves into multiple themes, and he first began writing four years ago, under the pseudonym Jean Alexander. “Runaway bird” is a book designed to provide children with an exciting journey alongside a unique set of characters, all of whom can entrance and surprise the reader. It gives children the opportunity to dive into an adventurous tale and befriend the characters within, thus encouraging a love of reading. It is currently being sold on https://brianfirstpub.com/ for twelve dollars and would make a great gift for any first-time reader. The book tells the story of two birds, Mother Bird and Little Birdie. Mother Bird leaves to get food, and whilst she is gone, Little Birdie wanders off. Little Birdie becomes lost in the city where he meets a hungry cat, and the adventures ensue from there. As this excerpt from the book shows, Little Birdie gets a bit scared: “Mother bird sets out early in the day to look for food. She tells little Birdie to stay put till she gets back. Their nest is in the woods near a city. Little Birdie is too curious to just wait. He wants to try out his wings. It is hard at first with just one lesson yesterday. But then it gets easier as he spreads his wings. But wait, where is Mommy? Suddenly little Birdie realizes he is no longer in the woods. He is lost.” This book calls for children to look at the world around them, and to explore it with their imagination, just like Little Birdie. This is the first children’s book published by Brian First Publishing, although this publishing company works with a variety of genres, as it offers opportunities to writers of all backgrounds. It is an invitation for budding writers to experience the literary world and get their writing published. Brian First Publishing seeks to be fair and equitable in its publishing process, providing all authors with a cost-effective chance to be published. It has a great track record of sales, which gives all authors the chance to succeed. About: Brian First Publishing, LLC was founded in 2014 by writer and entrepreneur Gregy Alexander. The firm’s mission: to provide a level playing field for undiscovered writers, particularly budding authors of a diverse array of race, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, to market their works, generate sales, and maximize earnings. Brian First Publishing offers to make the process of publishing your manuscript transparent, fair, equitable, and cost effective. The company will ensure that authors of diverse backgrounds get wide exposure for their works through multiple mediums that will drive sales. We offer to bring within the reach of our client authors services that the traditional publishing realm provide their elite authors. We invite you to utilize and capitalize on our services. Let us make your dream a reality. Your success is our success! News Image Share article on social media or email: View article via: PDF PRINT Contact Author GREGY ALEXANDER Brian First Publishing +1 (908) 764-9617 Email >info@brianfirstpub.com VISIT WEBSITE https://brianfirstpub.com
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Children's book

Children's book

Children books

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Runaway bird
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The husband who never loved
Good News!!!
'The husband who never loved' is now available as an ebook format on all kindle and wireless devices at http://www.amazon.com/
www.kobo.com and all other retailers!
Sunday, November 15, 2015
The husband who never loved
Good News!!!
'The husband who never loved' is now available as an ebook format on all kindle and wireless devices at http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B017YDN4C6/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1447467629&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=the+husband+who+never+loved&dpPl=1&dpID=41xIqHMPr%2BL&ref=plSrch
Friday, July 31, 2015
The husband who never loved
Press release! To all the lovers who's been caught slipping through the cracks and ends up destroying the one that they love and their world.This is what happen to Laurie Knowles in " The Husband who never loved"! Put yourself in one man's shoe having illicit sexual intercourse with his wife best friend in this scenerio of art imitates life. Where it ends tragically to one of the three characters. Launching date: 8/20/2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Husband who never loved
Friday, February 20, 2015
The key fundamental
Major risks, favor reach, better seeks and never fear. The key fundamental will succeed. Gregy Alexander
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Deceptive tales
From my latest soon to be released romance novel
Deceptive tales
The woman who catches my attention with just a ride, her perfume mist pouring out fresh lilacs orbiting my imagination on an ecstasy, body straight out of an ebony magazine her walk pattern across the room flawless. Booty on the curve sitting on a platter bouncing to each rhythm, portraying herself as a single gullible woman who’s been hell and back in a relationship with an ex-lover vowing to destroy her. In hindsight, living a lie and playing a deadly game of cat and mouse in a treachery. ©
Thursday, February 12, 2015
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
The day will come, when I turn your world around to new heights. Give me just one night and I will show you endless world. Within our company, we’ll reinvent the story of Romeo and Juliet and bring it to new fame. Let me teach you the rules of averages. Hence, capitalize on their differences and you won’t be searching no more. ©
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
Once in a distant light, the greatest thing to appear in the shining star, glows like a finery diamond sparkling from the greatest love of all, you. Rejoicing along the grandiose splashing wonders all across the Universe. ©
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
Praise to thee. Early morning bird tweeting out capturing our seeks. Innovation pouring out from an accent of melody to a sound captivating with thrills. Transforming our passions to great rise anticipation and wonders fulfilling our dreams. ©
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
Within the most infamous, lives a hero. Strange to the eye of the world, he is cast off close to a nun. His soft spoken words exchanges with tranquility. While the sound waves of thunders unveil seemingly foes. Power to a knight of an iron heart champion made for a chevalier. ©
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
Flexing like a humming bird. Flopping feathers along high ways charm wings in a silhouette. Body crafted, flying silence bringing flowers to moist. Sipping honey dive cheeks arouse the craze to burst, fragrance spreading showering the day with joy. Brighten the spring colors array of sun coated with spot of burn ignored. Dancing and float the wind two sides and gone. ©
A Conscious thought
From the book of poetry: A Conscious thought.
Life is possible because of you. Somehow, when the forces of sadness are upon me, you said the darndest thing to make me smile. Your show of care to build me up. Yet your world behind is in demise. How selfish, you tend to be tossing your love to strengthen me. Inside your heart keeps more to bare. Extend your plea and see me dare. Your cry indeed will slow away and quickly fade. ©
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Use cognitive thinking to mold your writing ability. Turn yourself into a corporation and watch it lose all its value. Gregy Alexander
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Dare to dream.
Dare to dream.
My goal is to shape the industry.
While many are profiting in the career of writing enthusiasm of some, they failed to deliver the basic provision of craftsmanship from a conception to the artistry. The perception of the best seller status becomes a trend amongst most people rushing to create anything out of the obscurity without a daily plan of action and inspiration to reach that elevation.
That leaves the majority of writers lock in that fantasy block with many disappointments. So much time and money have been invested to make that goal a reality. In hindsight, it continues to enrich Companies that made millions on behalf of their efforts. Meanwhile, the industry are competing against each other to fulfill that magic number and ultimately creating a pool of monopoly.
While operating in the pretext of offering something new in comparison to the Status quo. Therefore, helps writers obtaining that financial freedom. Even with the advancement of technology and the internet, so many have struggled to break even. Either because of the lack of proficiency or substances in their writing elements or they are left to fend off for themselves and energize readers that wants to read something different to engage.
I know, because i am a product of that circumstantial environment. Now, i am not asking for a hand out rather help in assistance to change that sort of practice. While others are competing for their next client, my main focus is customer satisfaction. I learn this, to much is given, much is required. Thank you
Gregy Alexander
Friday, September 19, 2014
New romance. An erotic tale!
Deceptive Tales
Coming out soon!
Sexually explicit Languages for mature audiences!
It was a winter day like no other. I was stranded at home. My car shut down it won’t even start for me. What the hell this stupid car! I need to call someone to pick me up. Let me see. Let me call Irene at work. The phone rings; in an instant Irene answered. “Dylan where are you, are you oK?” Yes, but my car is not starting. Can you pick me up? No, but let me ask around.
I sat home and waited for an hour. Then I heard a knock on the door it was Jennifer. This girl been eying me at work like crazy. No wonder she came to pick me up.
Hey Jennifer what are you doing here? She said, “you didn’t expect me to be here did you? Anyways, they wanted a volunteer to pick you up. So I made myself available. May be you can return the favor.” Walking to the car I asked her. What do you want me to do for you? She replied, I don’t know, what do you want to do for me? Trust me you don’t know what I want to do to you. She smile with a blush in her eyes.
I watched her from behind as she walked to the job. Body straight out of an ebony magazines. Booty on the curve sitting on a platter bouncing to each rhythm. I licked my lips thinking hmm I got to have that. She noticed I was looking at her. Her walk pattern across the room became flawless. Her attire hug her booty perfectly enticing my appetite even more.
First day of summer, got hot and humid. It was a beautiful day. Everybody was ready for some fun in the sun. Anxious to hit the street on that warm and sunny day. As usual, I woke up every morning to write down my list of tasks for the day before I get to the door.
I went in the shower for a long bath for about thirty minutes serenading and two stepping on a track by temptations getting the flow of the day going. I swear, singing in the shower makes you feel like auditioning for American idol.
Meanwhile, in the other room, my phone was vibrating continuously from dozens of missed calls. I got out of the water wrapped my towel around me than proceeds to my room. I was very particular about my appearance and how I was perceived.
I organized on the bed a nice pair of pants with a blazer and a vest to match it off. Of course, you couldn’t go anywhere without some good shine pair of shoes. My perfume of preference was high intention, light crisp scent, leading your every move to victory. If you know what I mean.
My looks was straight out of a James bond movie. Sharp and daring. So desirable ready to pound blow for blow. Arm with a deadly weapon. On the last ring of her call, I decided to pick up. Apparently, she needed to ask me for a favor to take her to the nearby dealership to select a car.
But I was unable to go. Mercedes Benz was at her best. She was very particular about her selections. Luxury was her identity it’s what personify her and strive her to greatness.
Her debonair was so crunch with thirst. Spurge of her horniness opens up every chambers in her pussy galore. Electrifies all the senses of my dick vein grinding and groping while diving to every stroke.
The living room wall was surrounded with memorable pictures only eyes could see. Being too zoned out, lost in her fountain of paradise, I couldn’t foresee being starring in a law and order SVU like episodes. Nothing cross my mind that I was actually caught up in her seed of web.
As if the sex wasn’t enough, she wanted to amp it up a notch. She bent down and reach for my dick like it was a piece of ice cream comb wanting to devour it. Blow after blow, her tongue wrestled against the shaft to bring my sperm cells to erupted in her mouth gushing down like a Slurpee.
You could hear the sound of every swallow as she regurgitate the cream. One could imagine how uncomfortable this may have been. Actually, I was living my fantasy except it was for real. I enjoy every bit of it.
Her poise was irresistibly faint, she waves of her expectations and more of her satisfactions of me as she played around with the possibility of moving in with her. Flaunting her goods and promises of great things to come.
She assures everything was to be within her reached and she was willing to travel the distance to get what she wants. As if the day weren’t interestingly enough, she got up and walk to the kitchen to prepare us a meal. she insisted. ® www.BrianFirstPub.com
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Merciful God
Don't get caught up
Choose your words
My Biography
Monday, March 10, 2014
Beware of your thoughts
Be fruitful
Value Her
Becareful who you bring to your bed
Make a difference
God's loving kindness
Live freely
Dreamer dream to win
Find yourself
Cast aside your ego
Plan wisely
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Be part of history
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Beauty within
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
State of mind
How does one define success. It is the ability to go beyond the threshold others would not dare to cross. One of the fundamental approach is discipline and self reliance. Never depend or waited for something to come to you. That has been the profound failure of countless entrepreneurs living in a complacent state after sketching and formatting half of the puzzle hoping to reach the climax. Somehow the hard work is done. This is the recipe for disaster. Follow the pattern of all the successful people in the world they all have the same thing in common. Consistency to produce and perform with accuracy. It is not something they were born with or some genetic traits rather it has been cultivated in a repertoire in the habit of trying. Nothing is easy to attain without a plan of action to execute and having a sustainable frame of mind. There is a proverb that so many people relates to success; good things happen to those who waits. In contrast nothing will produce if one doesn’t make the necessary effort to work a little harder and exceed expectations. You don’t have to follow in the foot steps of the rich and famous to have financial freedom and be successful. Once you lay out your foundation with conviction and determination you would have already set your destiny to reach your pinnacle.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Woman's right
Imagine being able to prevent a wrong from happening with just a simple piece of technology. Fighting crime at every angle keeping a woman safe from harm to a perpetrator. How wonderful it would be to prevent a rape before it unfold. We have seen its display in cartoons, portrayl of a beautiful woman wearing an underware with a lock hoping for the right guy to unlock it with a key. Sort of this concept with the same technological used by NASA to launch Astronaut into space in a protective gear to protect them from radiation of space bio chemical hazard. The same can be use with a thin layer Durable sheets unpenetrable yet comfortable and powerful enough to help shield that of a woman's vagina possibly saving lives. While screaming aloud for help to come.
Jean Alexander
Just food for thought